
Anniversaries & Events

  • Volunteers & KAYD
    KAYD volunteer delivering topic on malnutrition effects in the community
  • Surveys
    One of KAYD baseline survey on Water and Sanitation Health
  • Demo Plots
    KAYD agricultural officer transplanting seedlings at demonstration plot

About project

Project Summary:

This Project aims is to support the Government of Tanzania and join the efforts of other stakeholders to reduce stunting among children less than 5 years of age by at least 7 percentage points and low birth weight by at least 3 percentage points. This will be achieved through transforming and sustaining behaviors, building capacity and investing in maternal, infant and young child feeding, early childhood development, hygiene and sanitation, promoting Homestead food production and addressing gender imbalances.

In collaboration with District council, Kasulu Youth Development (KAYD) under financial support from Interchurch  Medical Assistance (IMA World Health) through Partnership for Nutrition Tanzania (PANITA) is implementing the Mtoto Mwerevu Project in 5 rural wards which are Nyachenda, Kitagata, Makere, Nyakitonto and Nyamidahoin Kasulu district council, Kigoma region. The Project implementation progress is on track and the planned activities are conducting according to the work plan.

Currently, the MtotoMwerevuProject under KAYD has managed to reach a numberof targeted beneficiaries who are pregnant women, Lactating mothers, and Caregivers.

KAYD appreciates the financial support received from IMA-World Health through PANITA as they enabling us to reach our Objectives.

Quick Links
  • World Women day
  • TDT-delegation-looking-on-equipments-procured-by-KAYD-under-TDT-support
  • KAYD-MVETc students during their study tour or visit at NYDT office in Kigoma
  • KAYD volunteer conducting capacity building to the project beneficiaries
  • Tanzania Investment Center»
  • Tanzania National Website»