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Project Tittle: Cassava flour and biscuits processing project
Project Summary:
Under support from International Labor Organization (ILO) through the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) KAYD implemented this project of Cassava flour and biscuits processing. The project intended to carry intervention in the area of cassava flour and biscuits processing in order to add the value of the cassava crop so that it may be competing well in the market and thus increasing the employment opportunity among Youth. As well as known cassava crop was processed for ugali flour for one to two weeks using traditional technology, but this project has equipped Youth with modern technology and skills to process cassava flour for only a day.
This project has contributed to reduce the big number of Youth who have been running from village to urban area for searching jobs. Urban drifting for Youth have been happening because the employment opportunity in the village is inadequately.
Now numbers of Youth have engaged in farming especially cassava crops and they are able to handle their families and support their parents in basic needs.
In order to reach our desired project Outcomes and Goals, the following strategies were carried out as solution of the challenges facing youth in the project area and the whole Kasulu district :
- Trainings on entrepreneurship skills and processing cassava flour and biscuits,
- Supporting Youth groups with processing equipment,
- Registering their businesses, Group formation and linking them with financial institutions
The project expected Outcomes were realized as following:
- By December 2013 32 Youth had knowledge on entrepreneurship skills and now their business market is improved
- By December 2013 four groups of 32 Youth were eligible and have managed to access startup funds from financial institutions and are able to apply for land title deed.
Also the project Goals were achieved as follows; 32 New businesses started by February 2013 and 32 new employments created by February 2013
Other collaborators in implementing this project were Small Industry Development Organization(SIDO) and CARITAS Kigoma Diocese.
As Tanzania now is implemeting a policy on industrial, KAYD invites other collaborators to support Youth in Self –employment in Kasulu District, Kigoma region-Tanzania through establishes processing centers and value chain for crops.
KAYD gives many Appreciation to ILO and FCS for their financial support enabled us to reach the needy.